Parents Testimonial: Amanda, Mother of Alexa

Posted on August 25, 2014 Posted in Parents/Students Testimonials

Alexa is a big JEMS fan and she looks forward to her JEMS class every week. We are pleasantly surprised by how well the values and concepts taught at JEMS have translated into action. For example, when faced with challenges, Alexa is now much more willing to persevere and I often hear her cheering herself on with “keep trying keep trying…” JEMS has also helped her understand the the rationale of the rules we keep and the consequences of her action. For example, she has learnt that she needs to be responsible for her things and if she isn’t responsible, things will get lost. Before JEMS, I wouldn’t have thought a 3-year-old was capable of grasping such abstract character traits / values but I am obviously mistaken. Well done JEMS and thank you everyone for the love and patience you have showered Alexa with. She is your no. 1 fan!


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